The 4400 Review

Last night I finished watching The 4400 on Netflix, and I can say without a doubt that each season lost magnetism.   The entire show revolves around 4400 abductees that are replanted in the future to change humanity.  Don’t be fooled by my use of abductees.  Aliens are not involved.  At first, your imagination may think The 4400 is similar to the movie Body Snatchers or Pod People.  This is not the case. The story unrolls that it is the future, which abducted, transformed, and replanted the abductees.  Hello, here is why it goes south.  Who cares about the future changing the future?  I wanted gray creatures popping out of bodies.  You know pod people.

Sub stories allude to cults, power struggles, jealousy, and love.   Season three and four get down right slow and slower.  It’s like you’re watching a series, and the writers ran out of juice before the glass was half empty.  NTAC is the government agency that is trying to control the entire 4400 situation. Think NTAC as an over hyped TSA seasoned with a dash of NSA.  The problem is that agency keeps fumbling.  Again, the jest of the storyline is the problem.  Where were the grays?  If you’re looking for a basic easy to digest sci-fi, you will probably enjoy The 4400.  Over all I rate The 4400 ★★★.

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