Biscotti Cookies Done Easy

As I kid, I remember going to my neighbor’s house and eating biscotti cookies. They were always homemade and ever so tasty. After several years of trying other’s recipes, I came up with a winner. This cookie perfect anytime of the year, and can be served standalone or with a side complement (think homemade vanilla ice-cream). Personally, I enjoy with a Cafe Bustelo cafe late.

Fig Biscotti Cookies
Fig Biscotti

  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 c. Dark Brown Sugar
  • 1 Stick Unsalted Butter
  • 4 tsp. Flavoring Extract
  • 1-1/4 c. Flour
  • 3/4 c. Corn Meal Flour
  • 3 tsp. Baking Powder
  • 1/4 tsp. Sea Salt
  • 3/4 c. Almonds - Chopped Fine
  • 5 oz Chopped Dried Figs

Prepare dry ingredients, except nuts and dried fruit. Whisk together.


Cream butter and sugar until velvety smooth.
Add extract. I prefer either almond or anise, but vanilla can be used too.
Cream for another minute longer.
Add eggs and smooth on high speed for two minutes. Scrap down bowl as mixture is blending.

Fold in dry mix until all become incorporated.  Add nuts and dried figs (optional), and fold in last.

Place batter onto parchment lined cookie pan in the shape of two logs.  I usually place one log on onside, and another on the other side.  Leave room on all sides for dough expansion during bake. 

Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 mins. Remove, and allow to cool for 30 mins; then cut the logs vertically about 1/4" thick.  You will get 12 cuts per log. Turn cuts right side up. Place back in same temperature over, and bake for another 20 mins.  Cool cookies on baking racks.

There you go. A wonderful cookie that is robust, and delicious anytime of the year.  

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