Showing posts with label flipflop wine review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flipflop wine review. Show all posts

FlipFlop Chardonnay Review Flop

FlipFlop Wine Bottle
I'm the type that takes what a wine writes about it character as being truthful.  Sure call me naive,  but wine is one of those beverages that vintners tend to disclose accurately.  For me, I enjoy flavors of oak, vanilla, sweet pineapple, and pear when it comes to chardonnay. These notes tend to be butterier, medium dry, and have a nice palette linger. What I don't care for are flavors of crisp apple (aka tart), pear, or hints of oak. FlipFlop describes itself as medium bodied, rich pineapple, soft vanilla, and creamy toasted oak.

FlipFlop Wine Description On Bottle
It has all the right verbiage, but lacks the flavor. For my palette, it lacked any creamy oak taste, and the pineapple flavor was like I was eating under ripened pineapple.  This was not what I expected for a $6.99 bottle.  It was more characteristic of a $2.99 bottle.  You know just a step above two-buck chuck cooking quality. Now, it was not like I was expecting it to be a Josh, but I do want to know who the judges were that gave this wine a 2013 gold award. Clearly, it was a one-time thing. The point being if you're like me and enjoy creamy oaky chardonnay, pass on this label. It's under developed to enjoy as standalone casual. It might be enjoyed paired with Gouda, Bre, or any other heavier cheese, but I am not a cheese and wine type guy.

I can only give ★★.