Showing posts with label inbound marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inbound marketing. Show all posts

Hubspot's Inbound Marketing Book Review

HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online 2nd Edition Review

Three cheers for the founders of HubSpot who wrote their own soft sell. It’s not to say that the book does not accurately cover all the dive-in layers of Inbound Marketing available. It does, and offers broad insight for how any business could harness such.  Since I enjoy analytics and analysis, I enjoyed the topics covered for the importance of measuring what works, how you know what works, and letting go of what is non productive.  Conversion is a reality pill that does not come with a spoonful of sugar at times. Numbing analytic analysis is hard for most businesses to swallow.  I also agree with what is covered concerning intrusion marketing, and why it has no room in online marketing.  Digressing though, the chapter covering SEO is 50% up to speed with 50% behind.  That’s Verizon’s uploads equally downloads motto these days. It is definitely not written to provide an non techie entrepreneur sufficient panoramas.  If you’re an online marketer, add this book to your library. Will it make you wiser? That I think will depend on your real world experiences as well as education level.  Will it refresh or possibly have you reassess?  Maybe, it again will depend on your optic of inbound. 

I give ★★★★.