Savory Open Ottoman Omelet


3 large eggs
2 small avocados
1 vine ripe tomato
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp paprika
2 pinches seal salt
3 pinches course black pepper
3 TBSP milk

Ottoman Omelet
Cube cut avocados and tomatoes.

Fork whip eggs, dry ingredients and milk. 

Quick heat a nonstick shallow spot fry pan with two pats of butter, then turn heat down to low.  Add egg, and cook on low.  Because this is an open omelet, don’t be tempted to pull in the outer edges.  Instead, allow the omelet to form.  Once the omelet is formed, add the cubed tomatoes and avocado.  Cook for another 2 minutes and then fold the omelet edge 1/2 way across.  Cook one minute more.

Serve with fried rice and fresh grilled pitas.  

This is one delicious breakfast that’s 100% full or flavor fresh. 

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